Want To Survive Succeed In This Fast-Paced, Rapidly-Changing New World?

NEW BOOK Decodes How To Start Soaking In New Information Like A Sponge To Learn Any Topic With Total Ease... Develop Your Skills Up To 500% Faster... & Become Extraordinary At Anything!

(even if you think you're a "slow learner", have a "bad memory", "low IQ" or lack "natural talent")
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What Is This Book All About?

This book is a complete, no-fluff, no-bullshit, guide to thinking, learning & developing your skills faster, better & more rapidly than you may have even considered possible. You'll learn how to:

 Soak In Information Like A Sponge & Learn New Topics With Total Ease

If there's 1 thing that's absolutely essential to your success in today's fast-paced & rapidly-changing world... it's your ability to soak in new information like a sponge & learn new things quickly.

Inside this book, you'll learn eye-opening new ideas, insights, as well as highly-practical methods to learn new topics with ease (even if you think you're a "slow learner" or have a "bad memory")

 Develop Your Skills Up To 500% Faster

What is it that separates the world's highest achievers from the rest & enables them to develop such levels of mastery?

The answer is their training methodologies.

In the pages of this book, you'll learn those exact methodologies & training practices, as well as how you can apply those *same* methods to develop any skill (whether it's learning to play the guitar, cook, paint, code... to get better at a sport, at sales, online marketing, or anything else) up to 500% faster than before!

 Take Back Control Of Your Performance & Life

We've been misled by the education system (as well as by the mainstream media) about what *really* creates mastery, high performance & success...

For example, as modern, scientific research now proves, things like IQ, school grades, or so-called 'innate talent' are much less important than once believed...

In this book, you'll learn how to overcome these big myths & misconceptions about learning, skill & high performance... so you can take back control of your learning, performance & life!

 Become Extraordinary & Achieve The Impossible

Sure, not everybody dreams of winning at the Olympics, or building a billion-dollar business... but, nobody wants to just go through their entire life just being mediocre at everything either!

We all have things which we would like to learn, improve at, get good at, or even become great at... & we all have things that we want (but may have struggled to achieve up until this point!)

This book will help you to overcome your limitations, become extraordinary, unleash your full potential (& even to achieve things that you may have previously ruled out as 'impossible'.)


357 Page Paperback Book

In the book, I'll show you how to learn anything faster & develop skills up to 500% faster... (no matter your age, profession, or background!) 

'High Value Skills' Series

In this bonus training series, you'll learn precisely which 'high-value skills' to develop to... build your career, get paid handsomelygenerate wealth.

'Sharp As A Tack' Series 

In this other bonus training series, you'll learn the specific practices & habits you can use to improve your memory, keep your brain healthy & stay mentally sharp — no matter your age!

'High Achiever Mindset'

In this bonus course, you'll learn the inner game of learning, high performance & success, including the mindsets, belief patterns & common ways of thinking, of the world's highest-achieving individuals.

Learning Shot Audio MP3

In mere minutes, this special Brainwave MP3 Audio will get your brain into the perfect state, to soak in information like a sponge & learn new very quickly!

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"Possibly The Most Important Book Written For Navigating Today's Fast-Paced & Rapidly-Changing World…"

From The Desk Of:
Bogdan Juncewicz
Dear Reader,

If you want the next month, year or decade of your life to be significantly worse better than the last... 

And if want to achieve more in less time, unlock your full potential & consistently show up as your best, most confident self...

...then this likely will be the most important book you'll ever read.

Here's why:

There is a 'simple secret', hidden in plain sight, that has consistently enabled ordinary people, just like you & me...

...those not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, with a loaded trust fund & their every worry whispered away... achieve extraordinary levels of success, recognition & freedom in their life; beyond even people's wildest dreams...

This 'simple secret' is the backbone of every 'rags to riches' story & what separates those who achieve great financial success from others who live paycheck-to-paycheck, are struggling financially, or drowning in debt...

It’s the core reason why some people can amass great fame, have millions of adoring fans & build a stellar reputation that keeps people coming back to them... (while others struggle to get a room of people to listen to their ideas, or to value their contributions)...

And it also happens to be the very thing we admire most, envy most, as well as what us inspires us most...

This 'simple secret' is the great power of...
Knowledge & Skill
Put simply, the world’s highest achievers are not so coincidently, also many of the world’s most knowledgeable & skilled people individuals...

...& it’s their skills & abilities that underpin their ambition, their confidence & their remarkable achievements in life...

Decades of scientific research also conclusively prove this...

It shows that — regardless of age, race, gender, or upbringing — it's the people who are more knowledgeable, educated, who read more, are more skilled & are more competent in their abilities who go on to achieve better results...

In their work, career & finances, for example...
"You're Just A Few Key Skills Away From The Work, Career & Income That You Always Dreamed Of..."
Various studies show that people who are more knowledgeable & who have developed the right skills are significantly more likely to:
  • G​et promoted​ & advance in their careers
  • ​Earn a lot more money
  • ​​F​eel engaged at & enjoy their​ ​work (job satisfaction)
  • Be granted greater freedom, flexibility, autonomy & control over where, when & how they work... (e.g. remote work, flexible working hours, creative control, etc)
  • ​​​S​ucceed when striking out on their own, being entrepreneurs & building their own businesses.
And the positive effects of learning new information, mastering exciting new topics & developing unique skills go way beyond the domain of work...

For example...
"How To Become The Most Confident, Interesting & Attractive Version Of Yourself... Attracting The Right People Into Your Life Like A Magnet"
Research also shows that people who are intelligent, knowledgeable about various topics & have developed unique skills & abilities are:
  • More self-confident, have higher self-esteem & have a greater overall self-belief in themselves.​
  • ​​More creative, better​ at problem solving & calmer under pressure​​
  • ​​​Considered more interesting & attractive by others...
But wait, it gets even better...

As the same trend applies even broadly to our life in general...
"The Secret To Slowing Down Cognitive Decline, Staying Mentally Sharper & Enjoying A Healthier, Happier Life" 
This time, various research studies have concluded that people who learn more & continue to develop their skills throughout their life:
  • Had significantly higher mental health & wellbeing scores
  • ​​​​​​Slowed down their "cognitive aging", kept their brain younger & experienced greater mental sharpness throughout their life...
  • ​​​​Experienced​ more happiness, fulfillment & life satisfaction
With all this in mind, if you want to join the ranks of those who are valued for their contributions... go through life with their head held high as self-confidence courses through them... & truly live life on their own terms...

...then it's time to start (fully) harnessing the power of knowledge & skill in your own life...

That's because learning & skill development is the best investment that you can ever make, at any stage in life...

I mean, sure, the stock market or real estate can produce good returns, but as the founding father of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, once wrote...

"An investment in knowledge pays the best returns"

Or, as Warren Buffett famously once said:

"The more you'll learn, the more you'll earn"

More recently, Warren Buffett actually went on record to say that the best protection against inflation is to 'become extraordinarily good at something.'
Buffett added that, unlike currency, skills are inflation-proof.

("If you have a skill that is in demand, it will remain in demand no matter what the dollar is worth")

I mean, sure, the world may not be a perfect meritocracy, but yes, the following still holds true...
The More Knowledge You Have, Skills You Develop & Competence You Build... The More You'll Achieve Both Personally & Professionally!
(that's irrelevant of how the economy is doing!)

But I'm sure you knew this already (at least, intuitively)...

You know you need to learn & develop your skills; to be a "lifelong learner" & continue to get better year over year...

But the more important question is...

How exactly do you do this?

How do soak in new information like a sponge & not just learn new things, but do so quickly & efficiently... (instead of wasting your time learning & re-learning stuff, only to forget it all moments later)...

You know those people who just seem to learn, remember & pick up new things with ease... how do you become one of those people?

(& yes, before you start doubting yourself, you absolutely can become one of those people — even if you currently think of yourself as a "slow learner" with a "bad memory" or lacking "natural talent")

And beyond just information & knowledge, how do you develop your skills at an accelerated rate (that you can then leverage to create this life you've always dreamed of...?)

How do you do all of this?

Well, let me tell you this...
The Traditional Approach To Learning & Skill Acquisition Does *Not* Cut It Anymore...
The traditional approach that the education system continues to rely which includes listening to lectures, scribbling endless notes, attempting to memorize information as possible, before getting tested on your memory of that information... doesn't cut it anymore!

Also, the self-directed approach most adults take of reading books (or podcasts, or courses) but failing to implement what they learn... it does not work very well anymore either...

Neither does repeating stuff without any clear method or strategy & 'hoping' that the repetition alone will make you better...

None of this is good enough anymore!

I mean, sure, these traditional approaches to learning & skill acquisition may have got you decent results 10, 20, or 30 years ago...

But not anymore!

And that's because...
The World Is Very Different Than It Was 30, 20, Or Even 10 Years Ago...
Everything moves so much faster nowadays...

We don't just complete locally anymore, but globally...

Industries are also getting disrupted more & more frequently...

And major changes in our lives occur more & more often nowadays...

To add fuel to the fire, all the changes that we've experienced over the past few years are just the tip of the iceberg when compared to what's coming up next (!)...

What we're able to see over the 2, 5, 10 years is going to challenge everything we know about the world, break every paradigm, challenge every norm & flip every notion we've held on its head...

We are entering a time of unprecedented change; more radical than anything we've ever encountered before as a species...

The biggest reason for this, of course, is the rapid rise of automation, technology & artificial intelligence (A.I)...

In case you haven't noticed, automation & A.I has already been silently taking over jobs & replacing humans for many decades now (e.g. machines replacing human labour in factories, self-checkout at supermarkets or at airports, machine-powered stores with no employees, delivery drones, etc)...

But, as mentioned, what we've seen so far is just the beginning...

In their report "What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages", McKinsey warns that...
75 - 375 Million Jobs Will Be Replaced By Automation & Artificial Intelligence By The Year 2030
Now, while this headline might sound bad & scare you a little...'s *not* necessarily bad news...

In fact, this may just be... 

The best news you've going to receive today... (or, all year!)

That's because, despite the uncertainty, we will likely look back on this as the time of greatest opportunity...

That's right...

These next few years are likely to go down in history as...
The Greatest Opportunity To Transform Your Work & Career... Generate True Wealth, Freedom... & Transform The Quality Of Your Life, Forever?
A bit like the industrial revolution, Renaissance & the golden age of computing all wrapped into 1... that's what we're entering!

For example, if you dig a little deeper into that same report, it also states that A.I will likely create the same (or, perhaps an even greater) number of jobs than it will replace...

(Likely even better, more creative, more fulfilling & better paid jobs as well.)

It will also create new business & investment opportunities that will enable you to monetize your passions & earn more than you ever have before... (or perhaps can even imagine yourself ever earning right now!)

That catch to all this?

Most of these new jobs, business & life opportunities will require very different knowledge & skills than the ones we have nowadays.

For example, according to the World Economic Forum's "Future Of Jobs" report...

50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025! (& 40% of the current worker's core skills are expected to change)...
Put another way... the very skills that were most useful, valuable & in demand 10, 20, or 30 years ago (& got you hired, paid, etc)...

...are going become largely replaced within the coming years...

...& new skills will be required to survive, succeed & truly thrive over the next 5, 10, 20 years...

It's the old adage:

"Adapt or die"

Or, as Charles Darwin more poetically put it:

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change"

The entire workforce will have to relearn, retool & reskill over the next few years just 'keep up'... (let alone to 'get ahead'.)

As you can imagine, this will require a huge amount of time learning new topics, technologies & developing new skills...

Which brings me to the main part...

If only there was 1 skill that would help you to process all of this new information you're going to have to go through, learn all these new topics you might currently have no clue about & develop these new skills, faster & easier...

If only there was a way to pretty much ensure your success in this new age that we're entering...

And that would help you come out on the other side of this next evolution we're experiencing with that wealth, influence, freedom & happiness you've always dreamed of...

Well, good news... this actually is one...

I call it...
The Meta Skill Of... 'Accelerated Learning & Rapid Skill Acquisition.'
Think about it...

If you take the time to learn a new topic or develop a new skill, that's amazing...

You now have this new knowledge & understanding of this topic...

You now possess this new skill (& nobody can take this ability away from you!)

That's the great power of standard earning & skill acquisition — it's pretty amazing!

But as amazing as it is, there's another option that's 10x better...

And this other (better) option is to develop the meta-skill of 'accelerated learning & rapid skill acquisition' first...

Learn how to learn...

Develop the skill of developing new skills rapidly...

If you develop this meta-skill of 'accelerated learning & rapid skill acquisition' (as I'll show you how to do) first...

Now, not only will you be able to learn that other skill more quickly...

...but you'll be able to learn *any* new topic or develop *any* new skill you like more rapidly as well...

(potentially saving yourself hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of hours over the next few years or decades!)

What you can also do is go even further & to...
Become Extraordinary At Anything!
If it's those who are more adaptable, able to learn new things quickly & develop their skills rapidly that have historically done well (& who will continue to do well in this new world)...

...then it's those who become truly extraordinary at what they do that will reap most of the rewards!

But, to become extraordinary at what you do, again, you cannot follow the traditional path laid out by the (broken) education system!

That's because the traditional education system only teaches us what to learn (which it does a pretty terrible job as well, failing to teach many of the essentials for living a good quality life like how to make, save & invest money, build quality relationships, etc)...

...but never teaches us how to learn...

(in the same way that school — as well as the fear-driven, profit-motivated, mainstream media — only ever tells us what to think, but never teaches us how to think for ourselves.)

It's time to break out of the chains & create a life you truly love...

...& do so more quickly, easily & effortlessly by developing this 'meta-skill of accelerated learning & skill acquisition'...
And That's Exactly What I Want To Help You To Do, Starting Today...
Hey, my name's Bogdan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly introduce myself here & share how I can support you, starting right now...
The whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

That's because, at the young age of 13, I made what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

It was the decision to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel just how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...

After dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important (& that the education system fails to teach us... leaving us to wonder 'why didn't I learn this at school?')

Over these next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful early mentors of mine...

I also dove deep into fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology, epigenetics & other relevant fields...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

I wanted to know precisely how they become the best in the first place & achieved extraordinary success in their lives...

And that's what I studied somewhat obsessively!

I also become my very own 'guinea pig', taking what I learned & rigorously experimenting with (& testing) it all in my own life... (as well as later in the lives of my early clients)...
Fast Forward To Today...
I have to admit...

What I learned from my years of research (& implemented into my life) ended up completely transforming my life in the most incredible ways (beyond what I could have even imagined back when I started!)

It's what helped me to, in a relatively short time, go from essentially nothing (just a kid with a dream) to...

Write & publish multiple bestselling books (which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide)...

To become an international speaker, having delivered presentations, keynotes & inspirational talks to tens of thousands of people from all around the world...
To become a high performance coach, having worked with people also from all around the world & from virtually all walks of life...

I've been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 people have across his work in more recent years...
More than 10,000 customers have bought, read, or gone through one of his bestselling books, top-rated online courses or mastery training programs in recent years...

And I've amassed an audience of 28,000+ people who read my educational newsletters & other forms of content that I put out...

It's also what made it possible for me to start what is now my 6-figure online education platform, 'Potencia' — which within just 12 months of initial launch already had fans, customers & clients spanning 100+ countries worldwide...

(our mission is to change education & help transform people's lives & that's exactly what we're doing...)

And, on a more personal note...
A Lifestyle Of True Freedom!
Everything that I learned in my research & implemented into my life has helped me to break free from the limitations placed upon us by the education system, mainstream media & society at large...

...& instead, to create a life of true freedom for myself...

It was always my dream to be able to work when I want, from where I want & with whoever I choose... (instead of having a boss telling me where & when I need to be at all times)...

...& that's what I've consciously created for myself; thanks to what I learned in my research...

Today, I wake up when I want, work when I want & take time off whenever I please as well...

I still learn & work tremendously hard (although it rarely feels like 'work' anymore as it's my passion, mission, calling & I love it)...

But I also spend about a third of each year travelling around the world & visiting as many places as I can... (no boss telling me I can't!)

To date, I've had the joy of visiting more than 40 countries:
And in general, what I learned in my research helped me design an incredibly happy, healthy, fun, joyous & deeply fulfilling life!

So, that's a little bit about me & my story...

But, this isn't about me...

It's about you...

...& how this information can help to you produce incredible changes, transformations & results in your own life as well... (just as it has for me, as well as my fans, readers, customers & clients already)

As mentioned, the world is changing & it's changing fast...

And the single best way to prepare for it (as well as to ensure you take full advantage of what is the biggest change & the greatest opportunity in all of human history)... to not just develop your knowledge & skills...

...but do so more quickly & easily than ever before... first developing the 'meta-skill' of accelerated learning & rapid skill acquisition...

I mean, really imagine how your life would change if you did that...

Imagine if you were really able to learn something which would normally take others dozens of hours (or perhaps even many days) to learn... what if you were able to learn that in just a few hours...?

Or... what if in just a few days you were able to learn a new topic or skill that it would've previously taken you (or it takes others) many weeks, months, or even years to learn...?

Just imagine the massive advantage that possessing this ability to learn rapidly, adapt quickly & become great at whatever you set your mind to would bring to your life both right now & in the future...

Here are just some examples of how this can help you right away:
Will This Work For Me?
The short answer is... yes.

And here's how...

For example, if you're a...
  • STUDENT / LEARNER or anyone going through any book, course, program, etc... you would now be able to pick up new information faster, remember more, get better grades / results (while studying less) & thrive in *any* learning environment...
  • ​ENTREPRENEUR / BUSINESS OWNER... with this ability, you would be able to pick up critical new information about your business more quickly, adapt more rapidly, implement new technologies faster, piece ideas together to create breakthroughs, grow your business & earn a lot more money over the next 12 - 24 months... (let alone the next 5 - 10 years!)
  • EMPLOYEE / SELF-EMPLOYED PROFESSIONAL such as a personal trainer, sales rep, marketer, developer, doctor, lawyer, chef, etc... this would help you become more indispensable to your company as you're the person who can adapt rapidly, learn new things & master new tools / technologies much faster than everyone else... (or, you'd be much more valuable to your clients as you're able to serve them in ways that other's in the industry simply cannot...)
  • TEACHER / INSTRUCTOR / EXPERT / COACH or anyone who passes along information / instructions to others... developing this ability would not only help you personally... but you could also pass it along to your customers / clients / students to help them master your material faster, get better results & rave about your work!
  • ​​PARENT... once again, the effects of developing this ability are not only limited to you & your life but also to your kids & family!
  • ANYONE who already has specific topics / skills that they are learning, developing & looking to master in their life — whether that's a sport, a musical instrument like the guitar or piano, art, poetry, science or anything else — first learning 'how to learn faster' will accelerate your progress & help you master *any* topic / skill in a fraction of the time... (over a lifetime, this ability could save you thousands or even tens of thousands of hours!)
As mentioned, this turn out to be the best way to 'keep up' as the rate of change in our world continues to increase & accelerate... well as to 'get ahead' & avoiding miss out on the truly amazing opportunities that will be in store for you over the next few years!

All of this brings me to the very best news I've got for you today...

To help you do all of this, I actually wrote a book for you...

...which will teach you how to soak in new information like a sponge, learn anything you want faster, develop your skill rapidly & thrive in this fast-paced & rapidly-changing new world.


Learn Faster, Train Like The Best & Become Extraordinary At Anything
— Bogdan Juncewicz —
Inside the 357 value-packed pages of this must-read new book, you will learn eye-opening ideas, insights & frameworks, together with highly-practical strategies, tactics, methods & processes to help you:
Soak In New Information Like A Sponge & Learn Any New Topic With Ease
 Soak In New Information Like A Sponge & Learn Any New Topic With Ease
Say goodbye to overwhelm, confusion or ever feeling like you're a "slow learner" incapable of picking up new things with ease...

You'll discover proven accelerated learning techniques, methods & strategies that'll help you unlock the full power of your mind, soak in new information quickly & learn anything you want with ease!
Develop Your Skills Up To 500% Faster
 Develop Your Skills Up To 500% Faster
You'll also learn the training & skill acquisition secrets of the world's highest achievers individuals (Olympic athletes, chess grandmasters, top CEO's & business leaders, wise investors, etc)... well as how to practically apply those *same* training practices into your own life to upgrade your skills at a radically accelerated rate!
Become Extraordinary At Anything
 Become Extraordinary At Anything
Sure, not everybody dreams of winning at the Olympics, or building a billion-dollar business... but, nobody wants to just go through their entire life just being mediocre at everything either!

We all have things which we'd like to learn, improve at, get good at, or even become truly great at... & we all have things we want (but may have struggled to achieve up until this point!)

You'll learn how to overcome your limitations, become extraordinary, unleash your full potential (& even to achieve things that you may have previously ruled out as 'impossible' for you!)
What this book essentially does is peels back the curtain on learning, skill acquisition & high performance, revealing to you what makes people great at what they do (& how you can join them!)

It will show you exactly what you need to know (step-by-step) to learn faster, activate your brain's full potential & develop your skills rapidly...

...&, in doing so, will help you earn more money, impact more people, develop unshakable self-confidence, improve the other important areas of your life & set yourself up to survive thrive in this fast-paced & rapidly-changing new world we're living in!
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I would love to ship a FREE paperback copy of my bestselling new book 'Skilled Success' to your doorstep!
Like I mentioned, you get the book for $17.95 free.

I already paid for the book, all I ask is you help me cover the shipping & handling cost to receive it & we'll ship it to you anywhere in the world!

(if you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, it's available for a small fee on the next page...)
Here’s Just A Fraction Of What You Will Learn Inside The Pages Of This Bestselling New Book
This 357-page book is divided into 4 distinct sections, with each building upon the last, to teach you exactly what you need to know.

Here's a sneak peek into some of the powerful ideas, insights & practical strategies you'll discover in each one of these sections...
Section 1 of 4:
Demystifying Learning
Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:
  • Want to achieve more, but not sure exactly what you need to do to actually turn your goals & dreams into reality? Start here... In just the first few pages, you’ll learn exactly how the world’s highest achievers leverage this 'simple secret' to consistently & predictably elevate their income, impact & success over time...
  • ​​​​​​The 'Skill Pyramid' framework for optimal skill acquisition & success, explained... (note: learning this will give you a practical plan of action for expanding your knowledge, upgrading skills & achieving even your biggest, boldest & most ambitious goals!)
  • ​​​​The 'Achievement Hacking' method, distilled... (warning: once you learn this, you’ll no longer look be able to look at the success of others with starry eyes or engage in 'idol worship', as success won’t seem so elusive to you anymore... what you’ll gain instead though is a mindset & method for deconstructing any goal you have, 'modelling success' & turning dreams into reality!)
  • ​Ever feared you’d lose your job / business / savings, etc? Well, there’s 1 thing you can do which will prepare for the worst, set you up for the best & help you generate strong self-belief & confidence in your ability to thrive no matter what's happening in the world around you!
  • ​The 5 levels of skill... (or, how do you go from a 'beginner'... to an 'amateur'... to a 'professional'... to a 'master'... to one of the 'top 1%’ at your craft?) You’ll learn insights & gain clarity on what’s *really* required to become extraordinary at anything...
  • How does 'learning' actually work? How does the brain go from 'not knowing' something to then 'knowing' it?... Most people’s learning speed is vastly limited simply because we never get taught how 'learning' actually works while we’re in school. In this 1st section, you’ll learn how the process we call 'learning' works, which will pretty much automatically, make you a better & faster learner!
  • ​The key to accelerating your learning & skill development is to get to a point of _____-____________ as quickly as possible… (note: you’ll learn one of the biggest secrets to accelerated learning right away in this 1st section!)
  • ​Ever felt like you couldn’t handle the 'confusion' & 'overwhelm' you were experiencing while attempting to learn something new? Well, once you learn the mechanics of 'learning' in this section, you’ll know exactly what to​ do to transform these feelings & proceed to learn any topic or skill (irrelevant of how complex it may initially seem) feeling empowered throughout the process!
We're constantly processing information, yet it’s our lack of understanding of how exactly our brains do this that prevents us from making learning faster, as well as making better decisions & achieving more...

Ultimately, what you’re getting from section #1 are the ideas, insights & understandings required to take back control of your learning, skill development & success... (including: many powerful frameworks, such as "mental bandwidth" & "skill integration", designed to make this process as simple as possible!)
 Shocking Information Revealed
Think You're A "Slow Learner", Have A "Bad Memory", "Low IQ" Or Lack The "Natural Talent" Required To Achieve Your Goals? Think Again!
Right out of the gate in section #1 of this book, you'll also learn the 7 biggest myths & misconceptions about learning, skill acquisition & extraordinary achievement... that hold people back from doing, being & achieving more.

The education system & mainstream media have been peddling this bullshit for many decades now (for questionable reasons!) sabotaging people's progress & limiting their potential.

You'll learn to break free from the shackles of these limitations:
  • ​​'IQ' = Success? Is that really true? — Growing up, you may have heard that it's those with high IQ that become successful, while those with a low IQ can never really amount to much in life. But, is this really true? You'll learn what the longest psychological study to date on the topic says about this... (plus: the different types of 'intelligence' that exist but you really hear about!)
  • ​​​​​​The 3 phases of the 'Genius Illusion', framework — People tend to categorize 'geniuses', 'child prodigies' & gifted individuals in 3 various, very-distinct 'phases' as they go through their careers… (note: once you learn these 3 phases, it’ll change how you think about 'talent' forever!)
  • ​​​​Think you need a fancy college degree, Ph.D., or multiple doctorates to achieve the success you aspire to? Think again! You’ll learn why there’s actually little correlation between academic or test results & true life success or happiness... (plus: you’ll learn the steps you must take to create the life you want, irrelevant of your formal education level!)
  • ​​How an Austrian kid composed his own music & played in front of sold-out crowds across Europe at the age of 8... (plus: the 1 big lesson you can take away from his story which will forever change how you think about success!)
  • ​The 'experience myth', explained — You’ll also learn why you don’t always need 'XX years of experience' to become extraordinary at what you do, get the job you want, create the business you want & achieve your goals! (including: many eye-opening examples which show how deceptive 'experience' can sometimes be!)
  • ​'10,000-hour rule', debunked — Have you heard the idea that it takes '10,000 hours' of practice to become a master. Well, you’ll learn the 3 major flaws with this rule, as well as high-performance strategies for accelerating & short-cutting the time it takes to become extraordinary at what you do... (note: just learning this alone can save you thousands of hours & make your decision to read this book one that you look back on fondly!)
Section 2 of 4:
The Path To Greatness
Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:
  • The #1 misconception about 'learning' that holds so many people back from attaining the levels of knowledge, skill & success they desire & deserve… (plus: the 1 critical realization which will help you overcome this obstacle & get onto the path of mastery!)
  • ​​​​​Why attempting to learn *more* things can actually sometimes cause you to experience *less* success... (plus: how to avoid falling into this trap by thinking about learning, skill acquisition & success like an intelligent investor...)
  • ​​​​The 'Specialization / Self-Sustainability Scale' — learning this tool will open the door for you into a reality in which you’re spending *less* time doing the boring, mundane, meaningless things you don’t want to do & *more* time on whats truly meaningful to you!
  • ​We’ve been told 'imbalance' is a bad thing & we should maintain 'balance' at all times... however, learning to leverage 'intentional imbalance' at times is actually one of the biggest secrets to success... (note: this is what high achievers do really well & you’ll learn how to as well in this section!)
  • Mastery & success is a game of _____________! (You’ll learn to strategically allocate the #1 resource you have in order to create the results you want!)
  • The '3 Foundations Of Mastery' framework, explained — You’ll learn the 3 irrefutable keys you must have in place to become extraordinary at anything… (important: if you’re missing any 1 of these 3 keys, you’re likelihood of getting to a high level of competence goes down dramatically!)
  • ​Why 'repetition' & 'doing the reps' is *not* enough to get good at something... (plus: a detailed guide into the 3rd critical, yet often overlooked, key to becoming extraordinary at anything!)
  • ​Ideas, strategies & exercises for finding (& sustaining) your 'passion' for the topics & skills that you've chosen to pursue getting great at...
  • ​​How to be more committed, self-disciplined & focused in your pursuit of mastery & success at what you do... (including: practical examples from the lives of NBA athletes, billionaires, innovators & Fortune 500 companies!)
  • The simple '7 word question' behind the success of the youngest U.S. female billionaire... (note: she largely credits her success to this 1 simple question her father would repeatedly ask her while she was growing up!)
  • ​​The skill development secrets (& training practices) behind the best Olympic diving team in history... (important: no matter what you’re working on in your life, these keys will be applicable to you & will undoubtedly help you get better results!)
  • How to transform your relationship with failure... (including: inspiring examples & practical lessons from the lives of Vincent Van Vogh, Paulo Coelho, Michael Jordan & Olympic gold medal figure skaters!)
  • 1 unconventional, yet effective strategy for overcoming any fear that may come up as you learn new things... (including: a rather hilarious example of how I used this strategy to help my 69-year-old grandma to learn to ski!)
  • ​​A '7 day challenge' to re-wire your brain to optimally react to failure, setbacks & challenges... (just like the world’s highest achievers do!)
  • The 1 'mindset shift' which helped create the greatest magician & illusionist alive today... (plus: 2 other, additional, mindset shift’s that'll help you tune into the mindset required for peak performance & success!)
  • ​​How to practically turn criticism, hate & complaints into 'fuel' which helps you learn, grow & become even better at what you do... (note: learning this will make you truly unstoppable as the things that used to pull you off track become the very things that further fuel your growth!)
  • ​​A shocking study which reveals one of the biggest keys to improving at anything... (not just in your skill acquisition, but creating visible, measurable improvements across all important areas of life from your health & fitness, to your work, career & even your relationships with others!)
  • ​​The 1 specific thing John D. Rockefeller (considered the richest American of all time) did while growing up to become great at managing money... (plus: how you can do the same to get better at *any* topic, attribute, skill-set, area of your life, you want!)
  • ​​Want a quick & simple strategy for, not only boosting your results, but also your morale, spirit & well-being while you’re doing all the hard work to get better? The key is ____________ & I’ll share exactly how you can implement it!
  • ​​The '9-Step Learning Process'... which brings together many of the understandings & strategies in the first 2 sections of this book into a complete, step-by-step, process, you can use to learn any topic & develop any skill you want at a radically accelerated rate!
Section 3 of 4:
The Path To Greatness
Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:
  • ​​How to achieve the 'seemingly-impossible!'... (note: there are patterns that most 'impossible' feats throughout history follow… & when you learn these patterns in this section, you’ll know what you must do to achieve even the seemingly 'impossible’ for you right now!)
  • ​​​​​How does 'memory' actually work & how can you improve it? We’ll dive deep into this & you’ll learn the mechanics of memory & recall… (note: once you learn this, it’ll have a near-instantaneous positive effect on your memory!)
  • ​​​​​3 unique 'learning & memory boosting' strategies you can apply, almost immediately, to learn better, faster & remember more… (including: 6 creative ways you can create 'memory triggers' which will help you remember more with ease.)
  • What is it that stops, limits & slows down learning? In this book, we look at learning from every angle, including a chapter on the '5 Learning Speed Killers' which hold people back from seizing their full learning potential (plus: the practical steps you can take to overcome each of these 5 traps & get the best possible results going forward...)
  • ​​The 2 questions (& 1 critical metric) you *must* pay attention to if you want to not just learn, but actually apply what you learn to create tangible growth!
  • ​Ideas & tips on how you can apply Carol Dweck’s incredible work on 'Fixed vs Growth Mindset'... to react to setbacks optimally, challenge yourself more, embody commitment & set yourself up for ultimate success!
  • ​​How to combat distraction & transcend our goldfish-like attention span in order to be more focused, persistent & effective in all of our learning & skill development efforts...
  • ​One of the biggest things that slows down our learning speed is what we call slow 'Feedback Speed' — you’ll learn exactly what this means & how you can use this framework to massively accelerate your learning speed at anything!
As part of section 3, 'Acceleration', you'll also learn:
 High Achiever Secrets Exposed
How To Leverage The Exact *Same* Training Methodologies That The World's Highest Achievers Routinely Use... To Accelerate Your Own Learning & Skill Acquisition ASAP!
As part of this 3rd part, you'll also learn 5 highly-practical 'skill acquisition acceleration' hacks (as used by the world's highest achieving individuals, including Olympic athletes, chess grandmasters, famous artists & creatives, celebrities, business leaders, etc) to further enhance the effectiveness of your learning, training & skill acquisition efforts...

Once you learn these in this 3rd section, you’ll have a complete tool-belt of various tools (ideal for various situations) that you can pull out when you need them, to accelerate your learning & skill development — on demand!
  • ​​How to put yourself in the right 'state of mind' for maximum learning... (including: the '2 elements of state' framework which gives you the practicality you need to apply this information)
  • ​​​​​​​Coaching vs Mentoring — you may think you know the difference, but do you really? And do you know how to get coaches & mentors to help you in your life? You’ll learn this in this section...
  • ​​​​How I applied the strategy of ______________ to radically accelerate the learning & achievement of many things in my own life... (e.g. learning a new language, writing books, learning how to gallop a horse in just 2 hours, etc...)
  • ​Most people assume that high achievers 'rise to the occasion' — they do *not* You’ll learn what they actually do instead to perform even when the pressure is on…
  • ​Whether it’s on the field, during a test, or in the boardroom... why do people crack / choke under pressure & fail to perform? And more importantly, are there ways we can prepare ourselves, so we actually thrive no matter what? Yes! Absolutely! And you’ll learn these understandings, ideas, tips & tricks in this section…
  • The 1 simple, yet powerful, strategy which helped Brazil produce so many football legends & enabled the national team to win more World Cups than any other team in the world... (plus: how you can apply this same strategy to become extraordinary, thrive under pressure & achieve more, faster!)
  • Why taking regular breaks will help you learn less more! (plus: the '3 keys to proper rest & recovery' framework which will help you take breaks, rest & recover optimally — just like the world's highest performers!)
  • ​How to craft a clear strategy (& effectively apply the proven 'skill acquisition acceleration hacks' you learned in this 3rd section) to create a significant & tangible difference in every moment you spend learning any new topic or developing any skill!
Section 4 of 4:
Become Extraordinary
Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:
  • The #1 reason why 92% of New Year's Resolutions, 97% of diets & 70% of workplace change initiatives fail… (note: once you understand this, you’ll know what pitfalls you must avoid when creating any type of change!)
  • ​​​​​​The '4 Steps To Lasting change' framework, explained — You’ll learn what it really takes to create lasting change... (including: a detailed guide into the 4th critical step that most people unfortunately overlook!)
  • ​​​​All successful changes (& new-formed habits) follow a specific cycle… once you learn the mechanics of this 'change cycle' in this 4th section, you’ll be able to anticipate the challenges ahead & more easily create any change / improvement you desire...
  • ​Bridging the 'Knowledge-Implementation Gap' — you’ll learn the keys you need to turn more of what you already know into what you actually do each & every day... (note: just think about how much more success you would already have achieved if you just implemented all the things you already know you should be doing)
  • ​How to apply Mark Twain’s famous 14-word-quote to disconnect from average, mediocre thinking & step into the mindset of high performance & extraordinary achievement…
  • ​​How to re-wire your brain to more consistently follow through on all the little things that accumulate over time to form success / failure...
  • ​​Ideas & strategies for becoming an 'Implementation Machine'... (important: learning these keys will not only help you implement what you learn in this book, but more of what you learn in EVERY book, course, program, class, event, session, etc, you ever go through in the future!)
  • The 'Implementation Speed' framework, revealed... (& the specific set of insights that comes along with it)... which will help you, not only get great at implementing what you learn... but also at the rapid, accelerated implementation of information.
  • ​How to summon the required focus to implement what you learn in this book & make meaningful, lasting changes in your learning, skill development & across all the important areas of your life...
  • Recap & Summary — We end with a review of the key ideas, understandings, mindset shift’s & practical strategies covered in this book... which, combined, will help you supercharge your natural capacity to 'learn' & enable you to learn faster, train key skills just like the world’s best do &, should you choose, become truly extraordinary at anything you desire...
Readers from 84+ Countries Are Already Raving About This Book... Calling It 'Life Changing', 'Extraordinary' & A 'Must-Read'

Here's What To Do Now

This book retails for US$17.95 on Amazon & online bookstores (& you usually have to pay for shipping + sales tax on top of that)...
But, as I mentioned before, I'm doing something kinda crazy & gifting away copies of the book... for free.

That's right, I bought the book for you & on this page...

(note: this offer is not available anywhere else!) can claim a physical, paperback copy of this value-packed, 357-page book... for free.

All I ask is you help cover only the shipping to receive the book - which is just $7.95 US or $12.95 international...

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(oh, & we ship anywhere in the world!)

There Is Absolutely No Catch, Whatsoever!

I realize this all might seem "too good to be true"...

And so, you might be wondering what the "catch" might be...

Well, let me assure you that there is no catch.

Sure, some websites out there give you something cool for free, but then under-deliver & fail to provide what they promised...

Or, they stick you in some program that charges your card every month... (which is unethical at best at completely illegal at worst!)

But don't worry... as this is not one of those websites!

There is no hidden "continuity program", hooks, gimmicks, or shenanigans of any type...

I'm literally giving you this entire book... for free.

And all I'm asking is you help me out with the shipping & handling.

So, Why Am I Giving This Book Away... For Free?!

Why would I give away copies of this bestselling & highly-rated book for free (when I could easily be charging you full price for it?)

Am I crazy?

Have I lost my mind?

Perhaps, but unlikely...

There are actually 2 big reasons why I'm doing this...

1. To get this information out to as many people as possible.

As mentioned, I believe this is the stuff we all should have learned in school, but the education system failed to teach us growing up...

(instead teaching us lots of garbage that doesn't actually prepare us for the real world!)

I want to help level the playing field by teaching people how to learn effectively, develop their skills optimally & what it really takes to become extraordinary at what you do... 

It's also what I wish my teachers taught me at school, but didn't.

(essentially, this is part of my bigger mission of changing education)

2. As a means of putting my very best foot forward & proving that my stuff really works.

Look, rather than trying to 'convince' of how great I am & how my work (or, the various books, products & programs that we publish as part of my education platform, 'Potencia') can help you...

Instead, I would rather just show you...

Put another way, my theory is that if I can get a hugely valuable product of mine (this book!) into the hands of as many people as possible...

Now, those people are far more likely to read it, rave about my work, share my work with other people & spread my message with even more people...

As well, perhaps, choose to work with me in the future... 

But, just to be crystal clear...

There is no obligation now... or, at any time... to buy any of my other products, become a client of mine, or anything like that.

You can get the 'Skilled Success' book free of charge (just cover shipping), with absolutely no-strings-attached on this page today.

Claim Your Free Copy (Before It's Too Late)

The 1 thing I will say is this somewhat crazy offer may disappear at any time...

Naturally, I reserve the right to change my mind & to simply stop gifting away free copies (!) of this amazing book to people from around the world...

(& instead to start charging the full retail price for this book that I'm laboured so hard to create, just like any other sane author does!)

This is in large part because I'm constantly testing new methods & strategies to get my message out to as many people as possible & deliver the most value to my customers & clients... & so, if I find a better way, this offer will disappear forever!

Either way, I cannot guarantee this offer will continue indefinitely...

And so, what you really want to do is lock this in & claim your free copy of the book while this page is still live...

(which if you're reading this, it still is & as of today, this offer is still available to you).
I probably shouldn't be doing this part in particular, but here goes:

Your order of the Skilled Success book is also backed by...

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My '99% Of Authors Would Not Dare To Make' Guarantee

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I know this is a bit uncommon...

It's certainly not a 'guarantee' most authors would think to make...

But screw it, why not...

"In for a penny, in for a pound", as they say...

Also, I'm not like others authors...

And more importantly, this is not like any other book...

And I want to prove that to you...

Which is why, through this guarantee, I'm literally taking every single ounce of the risk entirely of you & putting it all on me (& on this book) to deliver big for you...

And, just to reiterate that last part...

If you don't absolutely love this book & you'd like a refund... you'll get one... & you don't even need to ship anything back.

Just email us & we'll give you back your refund & you can keep the book... (or burn it, or give it to someone you hate, or whatever...)

How about that for fair?

(well, let’s be honest, it’s not 'fair' per se, but I'm ok with that.)

(note: this is an extended 60-day guarantee & applies, absolutely no questions asked. You don't even have to give a reason for why you'd like a refund, just email us with 1 word 'refund' & we'll process it for you as long as it's sent to us within 60 days of today.)
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I would love to ship a FREE paperback copy of my bestselling new book 'Skilled Success' to your doorstep!
Like I mentioned, you get the book for $17.95 free.

I already paid for the book, all I ask is you help me cover the shipping & handling cost to receive it & we'll ship it to you anywhere in the world!

(if you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, it's available for a small fee on the next page...)
Oh, & if all of this wasn't enough already...

I've also gone ahead & prepared some special bonuses for you:
Free Bonus #1

'High Value Skills' Training Series

...For Building A Great Career, Getting Paid Handsomely & Generating Wealth!
Why do some people earn minimum wage, while others can charge $100, $500, $1000, or even $5000... per hour?

And others don't even work at an 'hourly rate'... but build careers, businesses & amass a fortune?

The answer again is skills (specifically, 'high-value skills').
In this 'High Value Skills' bonus training series, you'll learn:
  • ​​The 2 considerations & 3 factors to evaluate all new topics & skills through... (note: understanding this can save you decades of trial & error... or heading down the wrong paths!)
  • ​​​​​​​The specific 'high value skills' you can start developing to build a great career, earn a lot more money & to generate wealth!
  • ​​​​​​The special bonus strategy (as used by Elon Musk & many other high achievers now & throughout history)... that allows you to create your own niche, differentiate yourself from the competition, stand out... & earn a lot more as a result!
That's right, not only will I teach how you how to learn new topics & develop new skills up to 500% faster than before inside the pages of the 'Skilled Success' book...

...but I'll also reveal to you precisely which skills you'll want to develop to give yourself a rapid pay raise & be able to charge a lot more money in months & years to come... (as well as radically lower your risk of getting replaced by robots, automation & AI.)
Value: $47.00
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'Sharp As A Tack' Training Series

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Value: $47.00
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Skilled Success Book Today! 
Free Bonus #3

'High Achiever Mindset' Mini-Course

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This bonus video mini-course focuses on the inner game of rapid learning, high performance & success. In the 5 parts of this mini-course, you will learn the mindsets, the belief patterns & common ways of thinking, of the world's highest achieving individuals!
Value: $97.00
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Value: $22.95
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In Summary, Here's Everything That You're Getting Today...

  • Skilled Success - Paperback Book ​($17.95 Value)
  • ​"High Value Skills" Training ($47.00 Value)
  • ​"Sharp As A Tack" Training ($47.00 Value)
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Total Value: $231.90
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Thanks for taking the time to read this page. And I look forward to hearing about the amazing results this book will help you achieve!
Bogdan Juncewicz
Meet The Author Of The Book:

Bogdan Juncewicz

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Founder & CEO of Potencia. Voluntary High School Dropout.
At the age of 13, Bogdan made what he considers to be "the best decision of his life", which was to voluntarily drop out of high school (because he believes the traditional education system is broken).

Today, he is a bestselling author having written 5 books, which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide... (including the international bestsellers, 'Skilled Success' & 'Self Mastery', often referred to as "life-changing" & a "must-read".)

He is also an international speaker — having given motivational talks across multiple continents — prolific course creator & high performance coach.

Over the years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

His work has been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 have come across his work in recent years. More than 10,000 customers have bought, read or gone through one of his bestselling books, top-rated online courses, or mastery training programs. And 28,000+ people receive this educational newsletters & other forms of content.

His most important role though is as the founder & CEO of the education platform & company, Potencia (which he founded with the mission of changing education & transforming even more lives around the world in new ways — already serving tens of thousands of members spanning 100+ countries worldwide!)

“He's A Genius!”

Bestselling Author & Holistic Health Coach

“Bogdan's Guidance Will Be Invaluable to Helping You Reach Your End Goal”

Australia's #1 Stress Coach

“Bogdan's Knowledge Combined With His Fantastic Ability To Explain Everything Simply... Will Leave Anyone Achieving Their Greatness.”

99.90th Percentile Student & Creator: ExamReadyTutoring

“Bogdan's Honest, Sincere Uncomplicated Manner Is A Breath Of Fresh Air. His Strategies Guided Me To Come Up With A System That Works For Me.”

TV Producer & Founder: Sunflower Productions

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"Highly Recommend"
Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work.
Gary Moon
Washington, USA
"Thank You So Much"
You explain complex things in a very simple way so people can understand you. Thank you so much for all your knowledge.
Domingo Perez
E-Commerce Business Owner
Bogdan has done a great job simplifying many self help principles that can improve our lives consistently.
United States
"Inspired Me To New Heights"
Met this young man. He has facilitated all around the world, and pretty much inspired me to new heights.
Eric Chan
Sales Trainer
"A Great Teacher"
Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind.
Oromwatt Francis
Thank you for your contribution to making the world a better place.
United States
"There Are So Many Personal Growth Experts — You Stand Out Amongst All Of Them"
I really admire your clarity & ability to share information in easy, digestable way. Honestly, today there is no death of information and personal growth experts but it is your content that makes you remarkable & you certainly stand out amongst all of them. Thank you once again for sharing your valuable knowledge & experiences.
Aparna Mehta
Thank you so much for your awesome advice - it's been life changing for me. I am now incredibly excited about my life.
United States
"It Really Works!"
I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your methods really work. I am so grateful.
United States

What Other People Say About Bogdan's Work

"Highly Recommend"
Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work.
Gary Moon
Washington, USA
"Thank You So Much"
You explain complex things in a very simple way so people can understand you. Thank you so much for all your knowledge.
Domingo Perez
E-Commerce Business Owner
Bogdan has done a great job simplifying many self help principles that can improve our lives consistently.
United States
"Inspired Me To New Heights"
Met this young man. He has facilitated all around the world, and pretty much inspired me to new heights.
Eric Chan
Sales Trainer
"A Great Teacher"
Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind.
Oromwatt Francis
Thank you for your contribution to making the world a better place.
United States
Thank you so much for your awesome advice - it's been life changing for me. I am now incredibly excited about my life.
United States
"It Really Works!"
I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your methods really work. I am so grateful.
United States
"There Are So Many Personal Growth Experts — You Stand Out Amongst All Of Them"
I really admire your clarity & ability to share information in easy, digestable way. Honestly, today there is no death of information and personal growth experts but it is your content that makes you remarkable & you certainly stand out amongst all of them. Thank you once again for sharing your valuable knowledge & experiences.
Aparna Mehta

P.S. So, Here's The Deal...

If you're one of those people (like me usually) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 357-page book, "Skilled Success: Learn Faster, Train Like The Best & Become Extraordinary At Anything" (which normally retails at $17.95)... for FREE.

Yes, this book is free; all you pay is $7.95 (or $12.95 international) to cover the shipping fee for getting the book to you.

I'm also giving you access to a number of 4 special bonuses (total value: $231.90) for FREE as well.

PLUS: if for any reason you don't absolutely love the book, I'll even refund your shipping amount (& you don't even need to bother shipping anything back, you can keep it or burn it!)

Click the button below to get your free copy. Risk-free :)
Send Me Your Address...
I would love to ship a FREE paperback copy of my bestselling new book 'Skilled Success' to your doorstep!
What the heck do I know about teaching, publishing and sharing a message?
  • I'm the author of Skilled Success (this 200 page book was written in 6 days)
  • ​I'm the author of 6 Day Publish​​​​​​ (this 201 page book was written in just 4.5 days)  
  • ​I'm an international speaker & over the last 5 years I have been privileged to teach thousands and thousands of people all around the world (including in Australia, the UK, India, Singapore, etc) powerful business and life strategies. 
  • ​I'm the founder and CEO of 2 digital businesses 
  • ​My digital ads reach over a million people every year (with all due respect, this sounds more impressive than it actually is... not easy, but not too difficult to achieve)  
  •  I'm the creator and host of a online show called The Accelerated Achievement Show
  •  I've been personally mentored by the founder and CEO of the world's #1 Experiential Business Training Company
  •  I have over 4 years of experience in content creation and digital strategy (yes, I started when I was about 13)
  •  I'm the creator of TimeHack... an advanced training program on productivity, optimisation and time maximization.
FREE* paperback copy of 6 Day Publish! 
Hurry - While This Offer Lasts...
FREE* paperback copy of 6 Day Publish! 
Hurry - While This Offer Lasts...
*Free Book means you don't pay for the actual book. We bought the paperback for you, but you do pay a small shipping amount to receive it.
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